Partnership & Share Holdings

Partnership & / Share Holdings


Business structure where two or more individuals or entities come together to jointly operate a business for profit.

Types of Partnerships:

  1. General Partnership
  2. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

Partnership Agreement

A legal document outlining the terms and conditions of the partnership is known as a partnership agreement. It addresses issues including profit sharing, decision-making, contributions, obligations, and conflict resolution. It is extremely advised to have a partnership agreement even if it is not legally needed in order to set out expectations and avoid future disputes.

Share Holding

Owning shares of a corporation is referred to as possessing shares. Shares are an investor’s ownership stake in the firm and can confer specific privileges, such as the ability to vote and dividend payments. Shareholding is a popular method for people and organizations to invest in and acquire ownership of businesses.

Both partnerships and shares, each with their own legal framework and ramifications, are significant components of corporate ownership arrangements in the UK.

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